
Тема: Шкільна форма
Мета:розкрити проблему використання шкільної форми в навчальному процесі,  за допомогою проектної технології формувати в учнів вміння самостійно висловлювати свої думки, знаходити потрібну інформацію та повідомляти її з відповідними ілюстраціями та допоміжними матеріалами; виховувати культуру спілкування, позитивне ставлення до шкільної форми, повагу до оточуючих; розвивати навички чотирьох видів мовленнєвої діяльності, увагу, пам'ять.
Обладнання: учнівські проекти, ілюстрації та наочний матеріал, записи на дошці.

Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку
1. Організаційний момент:
а). Привітання
б). Бесіда з черговим
в). Бесіда про погоду

2. Фонетична зарядка:
T: Name the pieces of clothes that I show you.
(Учні називають одяг, який зображено на малюнках)

3. Повідомлення мети уроку:
T: Today we are going to speak on the problem of use of school uniforms. You’ll discuss your projects and share your ideas.

II. Основна частина уроку
1.     План проекту
T: What is the plan of your project? What questions are you going to discuss?
(учень оголошує план проекту)

P: Plan of the project "School uniforms"
1.          In what countries are school uni­forms used?
2.          What do we know about the history of school uniforms?
3.          What styles of school uniforms are there in Great Britain?
4.    What are parents' and students' at­titudes towards uniforms?
5.          What are the common reasons they are for or against school uniforms?
6.          What are the main requirements of school uniforms? (Fabric, colours, styles)
7.    What is your own view of an ideal school uniform?

2.     Захист проекту
(Учні зачитують свої повідомлення згідно плану)

I.    What countries are school uniforms common in or not?
School uniforms are common in ele­mentary and secondary schools in many nations. The European country that has the most widespread use of school uniforms is the United King­dom. The practice of prescribing cloth­ing has spread from there to many for­merly British territories (including the Republic of Ireland, Australia, Singa­pore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Ma­laysia and South Africa). Japan is an­other industrialized country in which school uniforms are nearly universal. In most of continental Europe and Scan­dinavia, school uniforms are however not common. In Russia, school uni­forms became not compulsory in the early 1990s.
 In 2004, the French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools was introduced to outlaw obvious religious clothing and symbols. In North America school uni­forms are generally not used in public (state-sponsored) schools. However, independent schools often have school uniforms.
II.   From the history of school uniforms
We have found out that formally school­ing in Europe outside of church schools were rare in Europe until about the 10th century. The number of children at­tending schools was very limited for several more centuries. We have little information about clothing at these early schools. There does appear to have been some uniformity in the cloth­ing worn by the choristers in the early song schools. This appears to have been less common in the secular schools which slowly developed during the sec­ond millennium.
School uniforms in England were for many years associated with children from wealthy families attending exclu­sive private schools. In fact it was the children attending charity schools that first wore uniforms, in part to set them apart and to clothe them as cheaply as possible. These historic costumes are still worn by boys at some of England's famed hospital schools. Many believe that school uniforms are a superficial aspect of a school. Superficial or not, school uniform is part of the history of British education. The reason that Brit­ain's great public schools began insti­tuting uniforms was much the same reason that educators in America's dreadful urban schools have begun to require uniforms. The English public school in the 18th and early 19th cen­tury had become anarchic, dangerous places in which boys from aristocrats and wealthy families behaved as they wished and played voluntary games in whatever worn and battered gear was to hand. Interestingly many of our most popular modern sports (rugby, soccer, football, cricket, and baseball) origi­nated in the informal, off rough and chaotic play of English schoolboys. Conditions were so bad that many par­ents refused to send their boys and in­stead had them educated at home until they were ready for university. The uni­formity in clothing was one of the measures designed to replace chaos with disciplined order.

III. Styles of British school uniforms

As Great Britain is the birthplace of the school uniform and over the years schoolboys have worn a wide variety of
 official school dress we decided to learn more about these uniforms and provide some details of their history.

Bluecoat Schools
Boys at Christ's Hospital School in Sussex wear a traditional bluecoat uni­form which dates back to Tudor times and is probably the oldest school dress still in regular use. The costume, with its distinctive ankle-length coat, neck­bands, knee breeches and yellow stock­ings, is unlike any other school uni­form. Pupils at some other bluecoat foundations also wear their historic 'charity costume' on occasion, but only at Christ's Hospital School is the Tudor dress still worn on a daily basis.

Military Foundations
A number of British schools were origi­nally founded to educate the children of serving soldiers and sailors, or to pre­pare boys for the armed forces, and the uniforms of the pupils reflected this military ethos. Nowadays pupils at these military foundations usually wear standard school dress although they may don military uniforms for special occasions.

The Traditional English Schoolboy
The traditional English schoolboy, dressed in blazer, cap and short trou­sers, and carrying a shiny leather satch­el, is to some extent a relic of the his­torical past although the image lives on in films, cartoons and advertisements. The time-honoured blazer with the school badge on the breast pocket is still worn by many pupils, but caps, short trousers and satchels are now mostly the preserve of the more tradi­tional preparatory schools

Cadet Uniforms
Cadet detachments were first set up in British schools in Victorian times, of­fering military training to boys as part of the curriculum. Nowadays the Com­bined Cadet Force is mainly found in independent fee-paying schools and the remaining state grammar schools and, unlike in the past, membership is usually voluntary. Schoolboy cadets wear a similar uniform to that of the British regular armed forces.

Scout Uniforms
There have been scout troops in schools since the early years of the movement and the boy scout uniform has under­gone a number of changes since the pi­oneering days, the most obvious being the transition from shorts to long trousers.
The Eton Suit
The Eton suit, with its broad white starched collar, waistcoat and short 'bum freezer' jacket was the normal dress of younger boys at many of the more exclusive schools in the first half of the 20th century. Taking its name from the famous school where it origi­nated, the uniform was finally abolished at Eton College in the late 1960s and today the once ubiquitous 'Eton's' are worn only by boys at certain choir schools.

IV. Parents' and students' attitude towards school uniforms

The most common reasons for school uniforms are:
1.         School uniforms would save par­ents money.
2.         School uniforms would save par­ents time.  Kids in the morning would not have to make up their minds on what to wear.
3.         Kids whose parents would not or could not buy them the newest fad would not be embarrassed or har­assed because of their clothes.
4.  Kids social standing would be based more on individual character and less their economic status.
5.   School is the place where the next lawyers, bankers, and doctors are given the fundamentals of working in this economy. One of the basics of our culture in the working world is conservative dressing, dress code, or even uniforms.
The reasons against are the following:
1.          School uniforms are rather expen­sive
2.          They   have   no   use   outside   of school.
3.          "One-size-fits-all" style does not suit all students' body.
4.    School uniforms will do nothing but cut down on a student's indi­viduality.
5.          School is also the place where the next actors, writers, artists, politi­cians, inventors, designers and mu­sicians are trained. Students learn from uniforms that their individu­ality, political opinions and reli­gious rights are unimportant

V.   Functional requirements of a uniform
*         durability (two years wear)
*         washability with little or no ironing or dry cleaning required
*         suit all figure types
*         not inhibit students from becoming in­volved in normal activities
*         adjustable
*         patterned fabric needs to be a small two-way pattern for economical use of fabric
*      Other considerations colours should suit most colourings. Bright red for example is a hard colour for many people to wear should be able to be adapted to meet the change of weather at short notice is within the price range of all students in the school.
Some families have very low incomes
*                available for sale from an accessible outlet
*                winter clothing needs to be loose enough for students who feel the cold to wear additional layers underneath.

ІІІ. Закінчення уроку
1.                Підсумки уроку(результат проекту)
"Fashion Show"
At the end of the presentation of the project the pupils show their own styles of school uniforms.
(Учні показують зразки шкільної форми, модельєрами яких  є вони самі)

2.                Оцінювання

Конспект уроку-проекту з теми "Scotland" у 8 класі

Мета: ввести учнів в іншомовне середовище, презентувати групові проекти, вчити учнів застосовувати набуті на уроках знання на практиці, вдосконалювати навички чотирьох видів мовленнєвої діяльності, виховувати культуру спілкування, шану до традицій іншої країни, дисциплінованість,повагу до друзів, розвивати мовлення та мислення, пам'ять, уяву, увагу.
Обладнання: учнівські проекти, роздатковий матеріал, транскрипційний значок [l],  постери,  магнітофон, пісня  “My Bonny”.

Хід уроку
І. Початок уроку
1.  Oрганізаційний момент:
а) привітання:
T: Good morning, dear friends. I’d like to welcome you at our lesson. Hope you’re well today.
б) енерджайзер: 
T: Let start our lesson with your wishes to each other. Start with “I wish…”
в) бесіда з черговим:
T: Who is on duty today? Please, check if everything is ready for the lesson.
Are the lights on?
Yes, they are.
Is the blackboard clean?
Is there chalk on the blackboard?
Yes, there is.
Are the pupils here?
Yes, they are.
Is the teacher here?
Yes, she is.
Is it time to begin?
Yes, it is.
Pupil on duty - Class
2. Фонетична зарядка:
T: Let revise sound [l]
T: Read the poem after me, mind your [l] pronunciation.
Live and learn,
And learn well;
It’s a good rule
As many can tell.
T: Read each line separately and translate it.
P1, P2…
3. Мовленнєва розминка:
T: Comment on the saying: Two heads are better than one.
P1, P2…
4. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку:
T: Today we’ll prove that two heads are really much better than one. For this lesson you had to work in groups. At this lesson you’ll present your projects.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
1.     Презентація проектів
T: What was the theme of the project? (Scotland)
T: What were the aims of the project? (- to find interesting facts about Scotland, - to investigate information about Loch Ness Monster; - to make different tasks connected with Scotland).

Group 1
P1: Look at the map, please. Scotland oc­cupies the area of 78,8 thousand square kilometers. It's population is 5,2 mil­lion people. Scotland can be divided into 3 structural regions: Highlands; the Central Lowlands and the Southern Uplands. Most of the large Scottish towns and cities are in the Lowlands (the South of Scotland).
Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland and one of the largest cities in Britain. Its population is about 1 million inhabitants. Glasgow is famous for its shipyards, which lie along the banks of the river Clyde. There are other important indus­tries, such as coal and oil mining, metal­lurgy, machine building and others.
Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dandy are the main industrial centers of Scotland.
P2: The earliest in­habitants of Scotland were the tribes of Picts. In the 5th and 6th centuries the tribes of Celts (Gaels and Scotts) came to Scotland from Ireland. After Anglo-Saxon invasion in the 6th century the north-western part of Scotland was oc­cupied by Angels. In 844 the state of Scotts joined the territories of Picts. About these events Robert Luis Steven­son wrote a poem "A Heather Ale".
From the bonny bells of heathers
They brewed a drink long-syne
Was sweeter far than honey,
Was stronger far than wine.
They brewed it and they drank it,
And lay in a blessed snound
For days and days together
In their dwellings underground.
P3: But I know trans­lation of this poem into Ukrainian. It is called «Вересковий трунок».
Із вереску напиток-
Забутий вже давно.
А був солодший меду,
П’яніший ніж вино.
В котлах його варили
І пила вся сімя.
Маленькі – медовари,
Яких сховала в печерах земля!

 P4: Now do the Scottish test, please.
 1. Scotland is situated in the part of Great Britain,
a)   northern;       b)   southern;      c)   eastern;         d)   western.
           2.     Most of the large Scottish towns and cities are in the ...
a)    Highlands;
b)    Central Lowlands;
c)     Southern Uplands.
3.          ... is the biggest city of Scotland
a)   Glasgow;       b)   Aberdeen;   c)   Edinburgh;  d)   Dandy.
          4.      Highlands are in the ... of Scotland.
a)   north-west;       b)   south-east;   c)   west;   d)   east.
5. The official language of Scotland is...
a)   Scottish;        b)   American;    c)   English;  d)   Anglo-Saxon.

Individual tasks:
P5: Make sentences from the given words.
1)    is, beautiful, a, very, Scotland, country.
(Scotland is a very beautiful country.)
2)    Glasgow, centers, Edinburg, and, are, Dandy, industrial, Aberdeen,  main, Scotland, of, the.
(Glasgow, Edinburg, Aberdeen and Dandy are the main industrial centers of Scotland.)
3)    biggest, Glasgow, city, the, in, is, Scotland.
(Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland.)
4)    are, of, most, Scottish, in, towns, Lowlands,  cities, and, the, largest, the.
(Most of the large Scottish towns and cities are in the Lawlands.)
5)    mountain, in. highest, Scotland, the, in, is, Ben Nevis, the.
(The highest mountain in Scotland is the Ben Nevis.)

2.     Хвилинка релаксації
A song “My Bonny”

3.     Презентація проектів
Group 2
P1:  You had a chance, of course, to hear about such region as "Highlands and is­lands". It's the most interesting and beautiful part of Scotland, situated in the north and west. This is the region of mountains and rivers, small towns and villages. The Highlands are a country of great sea-lochs. On the sides of some of the lochs there are sheep-farms which can only be reached by boat.
Many tourists tour to the west coast of Scotland. On their way they see Loch Lomond, one of the largest and most famous of Scottish lakes.
Very famous is Scottish lake Loch Ness and the monster of this lake Nessie. This lake is neither very big nor small. It is 35 kilometers long. The water in it is dark and very cold. There are many stories about the water monster "Nessie". People describe it as an animal with a giraffe-like neck, a very small head and a great dark grey body.
The Lock Ness monster is a real attraction for people from all parts of Britain  and many other countries. Even a museum of the Loch Ness Monster was  opened in Scotland several years ago.  Let us hope, however, that scientists  will be able to say one day, whether the Loch Ness monster is a fact or fiction.

P2: Let’s do Crossword Puzzle









1.     It is the country with the area of 78,8 thousand square kilometers.
2.     The biggest city in Scotland.
3.     Scotland is … country, and the highest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis.
4.     People who live in Scotland.
5.     The … position of Scotland is very interesting.
Creative Task:
P3: Look at this man who came here. Try to guess who he is.
(Pupils describe Scottish man)
III.  Закінчення уроку
1.     Підсумок уроку
T: Systemize your knowledge about Scotland. Fill in a magic flower.
2.     Оцінювання
а) Самооцінювання (учні оцінюють один одного).

б) Оцінювання вчителем (мотивую оцінки).

Конспект уроку-проекту з теми

"The system of education in Great Britain and Ukraine"

Тема:  The system of education in Great Britain and Ukraine.
Мета: закріпити вивчений лексичний та граматичний матеріал, мовленнєві структури в мовленні  з теми «School life»;
розвивати творчі здібності, комунікативну направленість, творчий пошук кожного гуртківця,  уміння застосовувати знання на практиці, викликати особливий інтерес вихованців , розвивати вміння працювати в групі та в колективі, пошукові вміння, аналізувати матеріал, створювати та оформлювати власну роботу та групову роботу;
виховувати культуру спілкування, ввічливість, усвідомлене ставлення до навчання та змістовного відпочинку.
Тип  уроку:  нестандартний,  урок – проект
Обладнання: малюнки, ілюстрації, стінгазети, записи пісень, роздатковий матеріал, демонстраційні зразки, презентація керівника гуртка та власна презентація вихованців гуртка.

Хід уроку
I Організаційний момент   ( 5 хв.)
1. Привітання
- Good day, children! Glad to see you!
2. Мотивація та активізація мовного матеріалу
 Today we have an unusual lesson. It’s project. We’ll sum up out knowledge about the system of education in Ukraine and Great Britain. We’ll speak about many interesting things. I’d rather call out lesson the creanive laboratory. Today you will show your skills and abilities in making projects.
            Look at the board and tell me: - Do you like study?  What do you know about the system of education in our country and Great Britain? What subjects have pupils at school?
II Основна частина   ( 45 хв.)
1. Постановка і розкриття проблеми
OK. It’s great. Now, let’s speak about your projects.
( Вихованці на попередніх заняттях переглянули  презентацію керівника
( презентація 1 ) гуртка з даної теми та отримали завдання, план та список рекомендованої літератури з цієї теми).
Aswer the questions:
  1. When does the school year begin?
  2. How can we name the educational establishment?
  3. What can you tell about the difference in school curriculum?
  4. At what time do the classes begin?
  5. How do pupils get to school?
  6. What rules of behavior are there in the Ukraine and Great Britain?  
  7. What can you say about meals at school?
  8. What do the pupils do during the breaks?
  9. What pets can children take with themselves to school?
  10. How do the pupils spend their free time?
  11. Have the schools dress-court?
  12. How many parts are there in school year?
Всіх вихованців гуртка розподілено на 3 групи
  • «пошуковці»;
  •  «дослідники»;
  • «оформлювачі».

            Pupil 1. Tells us about school subjects . All this information is shown in the coloured wall newspaper which is on the board.
Pupil 2. Tells us a poem.
Pupil 3 . The rest pupils sing a school song.
            The presentations of the rest projects are made by the pupils of groups № 1,2, 3, like the first one.
2. Sing and do.  ( демонстраційний зразок, слайд 6)
My quiz
What’s the best country?                                    Do you know? Do you know?
Do you know? Do you know?                           Do you know what the answer is?
What’s the best school ?                                    Listen to my quiz, 
Do you know?                                                    Listen to my quis and
Listen to my quiz,                                               Tell me what the answer is!
Listen to my quiz and
Tell me what the answre is!

What’s the most favourite subject?
Do you know? Do you now?
What’s the most interesting subjects?
Do you know?
Listen to my quiz,
Listen to my quiz and
Tell me what the answer is!
Teacher. Now we have a rest.
«Neagara falls»
Modern life is impossible without traveling. Do you like travelling? – of course, you like. Today we travel to the Neagara Falls. Our travel begins.
            Stand up!
Shut your eyes, we start dreaming. You go for a walk: step1, step2, step3 and suddenly you hear a sound of water: turn your heads to the left side and than to the right side. One more time: the left side, the right side. You go there for the sound. Open your eyes – you see a big falls: squat at this falls. This is Neagara Falls. It’s a dream land. Ir’s very beautiful place.
            Stand up! Hands on your sides and take the air: 1, 2, 3. It’s wonderful. You sit down on the big stone. You put down your hands in the water.
            Oh, it’s great. You feel pleasure. You wash your face. One more time. It’s wonderful.
            You feel enjoyment. This water is enlivens. Such fillings evoke smile. You have great impression. You feel so good! 

4. Let’s sing a song and do.
Come and play with me!
I sometimes play computer games,
I alweys ride my bike.
I sometimes watch a DVD,
I sometimes fly my kite.

 I sometimes snorkel the sea,
I sometimes read a book.
I alweys play my new guitar,
I never shop or cook.

I sometimes surf the Internet,
I sometimes watch TV.
I always have a lot of fun,
So come and play with me!  (демонстраційний зразок, слайд  1)

5. Перегляд учнівської презентації ( презентація 2)
Вихованці демонструють свою проектну роботу та захищають.
6. Reading
« The first day of school »
            Ann felt nervous as she entered the classroom. Just last year, she was a student and now she was a teasher. It was strange to be on the other side of the teacher’s desk.
            The children ready for lessons to begin. Anne had a speach to give the children about helping and learning, but now she could not remember one word of it.
            «Please take your book out», she said. While the children opened their desk and took out their books, Anne lokeed at them all. Most of the children looked cheerful, but a few seemed unfriendly.
            The day passed quickly. Later, Anne couldn’t remember it very well. It was like a dream. She listened to the children read, she helped them with susms and set them axercises. Only two of the children were naughty. The first was Morley Andrews. He took out his two pet grassshoppers during the lesson. The second was Antoony Pye. He poured a few drops of water down Aurelia Clay’s neck. Anne made Morley stand at the front of the class for an hour and she kept Anthony in at break to talk to him about good manners.
            At the end of the day, the children left and Anne packed up her things. She felt tired and a little bit sad. She didn’t know if she liked teaching after all. She locked the school door and startered to walk home. At the bottom of the hill she met one of the boys from her class. He gave her a small bunch of wild flowers.
            « I came back to give you these », he said. « I thought you might like them. And I like you, teacher.» Anne took the flowers and smiled. « Thank you », she said. « They’re beautiful.» Suddenly Anne didn’t feel tired at all. She was happy and hopeful.  
Read and match the sentence holves.
  1. Anne was nervous becouse ...                           a) he took out his pet drasshoppers during
  2. Anne made a boy stand at the front                      the lesson.    
becouse ...                                                          b) it was her first day as a teasher.
3. Anne was a little bit sad because ...                     c) she didn’t know if she liked teaching
( key: 1.b, 2.a, 3.c. )
7. Робота в парах.  Читання та обговорення текстів.
( демонстраційний зразок, слайд 2 )
Sports day
My name’s Emma and I’m from Britain. My favourite day in the school year is Sports Day. Sports Day in Britain is lots of fun. Schools usually have Sports Day in the summer, near the end of the school year, because the weather is warm and sunny then. Children run races and try to win prizes or trophies. There is often a skipping race, a sack race (children stand in a sack and jump along the race track), or a threelegged race (children run in pairs, with the left leg of one runner strapped to the right leg of the other runner). Children’s parent’s come to watch Sports Day. Sometimes there are races for mums and dads, too. Everyone has a great time.

Hi. I’m Takumi. I love Sports Day, too. In Japan, we have Sports Day in the autumn or spring, because the weather is cooler then. It’s too hot to run races in the summer in Japan. We don’t have any lessons for a week before Sports Day. We practise our races and events on the school field every day. The teachirs always make sure that we drink lots of water, because we get hot from all the exercise. There is a big rehearsal on the day before Sports Day, to make sure that everything will go well on the actual day. We usually have Sports Day on a Sunday. The school band plays music and we all run races and take part in competitions. It’s a wonderful day we all enjoy it.
Read and answer the quesrions.
  1. Why do Japanese schools have Sports Day in autumn?
  2. Why do Britain schools have Sports Days in summer?
  3. What do Japanese children do the week before the Sports Day?
  4. Do you have Sports Day at your school?
  5. Who is your favourite teacher? Why?

8. Sing and do. ( демонстраційний зразок 7)

Did you have a good day?
Did  you have a good day at school today?
Did you paint a pictire at school today?
Did you play a new game at the school today?
Did you have lots of fun?

Did you like your lessons at school today?
Did you help your teacher at school today?
Did you have a good day at school today?
Did you have lots of fun?

III Заключна частина (10 хв.)
Системно – узагальнювальний етап (обговорення результатів)
Game «Ball»
Teacher. What are you waiting from today’s day? What can you say about this school day?
(Give a ball).
Pupil 1.  Today we had very interesting lesson. I liked traveling to falls. I felt real pleasure.
 Pupil 2. I want to know English. Nowadays it’s impossible to live without foreign language.
Pupil 3. As for me I liked our project and I’ll try to make up once more.
 Pupil 4. I’m fond of photos and pictures. I’ve seen a lot of them. There photos are very unusual. I liked them very much.
Pupil 5. And now I know how important is to learn English. I’ll try to improve my English.
Pupil 6. Today I understood how important is to study, to learn and to remember. I think English is wonderful subject.
Teacher. So, you see, if you can make efforts. I hope, you understood that your team work gave us a good result. Our form is a big griendly family. 
Визначення найкращої роботи.
Визначення кращого читця.
Краща пісня.  
You are very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today.
Our lesson is over. Thank you very much! 

Конспект  уроку-проекту  з  англійської  мови у 7 класі  з  теми

Мета уроку:
Навчальна-  узагальнити   основні  поняття,  лексичні  одиниці з теми « Save  our  Planet»   через  презентацію  міні  проектів , підготовлених  групами  учнів; розвиток  мовленнєвих  навичок за вивченою темою; вдосконалення  навичок   аудіювання  та читання.
Розвивальна – розвиток  метапредметних   вмінь:
-         Вміння  узагальнювати
-         систематизувати
-         організовувати  співпрацю
-         оцінювати  результати  роботи
-         використовувати ІКТ
розвиток здатності здійснювати продуктивні мовні дії, розвиток комунікабельності і кругозору учнів;
Виховна  - виховувати  культуру спілкування, відповідальність за  результат своєї  праці,  бережливе  ставлення  до  навколишнього  середовища, любові до  природи, бережливості.
Психологічна – підвищення   рівня   мотивованості  у  вивченні іноземної мови.
 Обладнання  уроку: зошит,  видеофильм, роздатковий матеріал, презентації, відео ролик,  мультимедійна дошка, проектор,  пісня, матеріал для складання постера, малюнок дерева.
Форми організації  пізнавальної  діяльності – групова, фронтальна, індивідуальна.
Пояснювальна записка –
У даній роботі представлений план-конспект підсумкового уроку в 6 класі по темі «Save our Planet» англійською мовою із застосуванням комунікативних, проектних, а також з використанням ІКТ. Це підсумковий урок з даної теми і має велике значення в нашому житті, тому що сьогодні ми стоїмо перед обличчям екологічної катастрофи.
          Цьому уроку передує велика підготовча робота, яка полягає не тільки у вивченні тематичного матеріалу, але також і в залученні додаткової інформації. Форма уроку - урок-конференція, урок контролю отриманих знань.
 Учні  були  розподілені  на  3 групи : група  представників міжнародної  організації  Greenpeace, група журналістів  шкільної  газети « Крик» та група « Друзі природи». Всі  отримали завдання  для представлення презентацій.  
          Протягом усього уроку передбачалося використання різних прийомів навчання, сучасних ТСО, наочності, комп'ютера, що робить урок цікавим і сприятиме підвищенню рівня навчальної мотивації в учнів. Знайомство з новим матеріалом та його закріплення проводиться з використанням презентації в форматі Power Point.
В ході уроку використовувалися такі форми роботи: фронтальна, групова, індивідуальна.
Основні методи: аудіювання, демонстрація, вправи.
Враховуючи вікові та індивідуальні особливості учнів, а також тип і вид уроку, були обрані наступні види вправ:
• за призначенням: рецептивні, репродуктивні, тренувальні:
• за способом виконання: усні, письмові, творчі;
• за способом навчальної діяльності: пошукові, тренувально-пошукові.

Даний урок забезпечив розвиток наступних умінь і навичок учнів:
• робити усні повідомлення за результатами узагальнення побаченого, почутого, прочитаного;
• збирати, узагальнювати і систематизувати інформацію і представляти її в колективних проектах,
• виконувати індивідуальні та колективні завдання англійською мовою;
• викладати англійською мовою результати пошукової діяльності;
• узагальнювати інформацію, отриману при читанні, аудіюванні, перегляді і викладати її англійською мовою.
Робота в командах сприяла формуванню в учнів таких позитивних особистісних якостей, як доброзичливість, відповідальність, почуття взаємодопомоги.
 Підсумком уроку стала розробка постера з використанням всього матеріалу, отриманому на уроці. щодо поліпшення умов з навколишнім нас середовищем та усунення забруднень на нашій землі.

I. Організаційний  момент.
Teacher:  Helloboys and girlsI am glad to see you.  I’m sure that you are full of energy and ready to do our lesson interesting and rich.

II.  Ознайомлення  з темою уроку.
Teacher:  Children, I propose  you  to watch  a short video  and  try to guess  what we are going to speak  about  at our lesson . ( слайд 1)
        Teacher: What is  the topic  of  our lesson?
        Student:  Environmental protection. ( слайд 2)
       Teacher:  Yes, you are right! Today we’re tried to summarize our knowledge on the topic “Environmental problems” and to find out some ways how to save our planet Earth. We make a project to answer these questions.( слайд 3  )
- Why do we have to protect nature?
- What  are the most  serious environmental   problems?
- What ecological organizations help to  protect nature?
- What ways can we help the Earth?
- What can we do to protect nature and save our planet clean?
             Teacher:  Children! Are  you  friends of the Earth?  Let’s see.
Test «Are you a friend of the Earth?»
1.     What does your family do with empty bottles?
a.     Take them to a recycling bin. ( 3 points)
b.     Return them to the supermarket. ( 2 points)
c.      Throw them in the rubbish bin. (1 point)

2.     You eat a chocolate bar in the street. What do you do with the wrapper?
a.     Drop it on the pavement.( 1 point)
b.     Put it in a litter bin. (2 points)
c.      Save it for recycling. ( 3 points)

3.     When you clean your teeth, you:
a.     Turn the tap on only when you need water.( 3 points)
b.     Leave the tap running until you have finished.( 1 point)
c.      Only use one glass of water. ( 2 points)

4.     Your favourite kind of transport is…
a.     A car (1 point)
b.     A bicycle (2 points)
c.      Your feet: you walk everywhere. ( 3 points)

5.     What do you do with old newspapers, magazines?
a.     Throw them away.( 1 point)
b.     Give them to recycle.( 3 points)
c.      I use them to make other things. ( 2 points)
12-15 points: Keep up the good work! You are doing your part to protect the nature.
11-9 points: You know about the problems of the Planet but you can`t do more.
8-5 points: You are part of the problem. You should try to become part of the solution.
       Teacher:  You have shown good results. I see you are real friends of  our planet Earth.  And what  about  other  people? Do they  understand the  importance of this question?
   To answer this question  we   have  divided  into  3  groups: 1st group – representatives  of Greenpeace , 2nd group – journalists  of the school newspaper  «Kryk», 3rd group – « Friends  Of  Nature».

ІІІ. Розвиток  лексичних  навичок.
Teacher:  What does the word  “Environment” mean?
Student:  Environment  is  everything  around  us: water, air, forest, animals.
Teacher:   What  words  do you  associate  with   “   Eco  Problems ”? ( учні  складають таблицю та записують на дошці(слайд  4   )

Destroying  forests                                                           Water  pollution
                                                 Eco  Problems

    Killing  animals
                                                                                             Nuclear tests 
                                                      Air  pollution
 Teacher:   Well  done! During  our  lesson  we’ll  try to discuss  these  problems .
The previous lessons we spoke much about it. We have learnt many new words which belong to our topic. Try to remember them and make some sentences. (слайд  5  ) Look at these words and translate them into Ukrainian.

To pollute                         Захищати   
Environment                     Саджати
A weapon                          Переробляти
To destroy                         Забруднювати
Rubbish                             Скло
Pollution                             Зброя
To protect                          Навколишнє середовище
To plant                              Знищувати
Recycle                              Сміття
Bits of glass                       Забруднення

Teacher:    Make up your own sentences with these words.
(учні  усно  складають  речення зі словосполученнями)
Teacher:   Complete sentences with words. (слайд 6  )
1. Don't leave the ________running when you are brushing your teeth.
 2. Turn off the ______ and  ______ when you are not in the room.

3.Make a ___________.
4. Recycle your plastic  and _______. 5.Take a _______ instead of a bath.
 6.Keep the oceans clean so the fish will stay_____.       7. Planting just one ______ can save the sky from smoke from factories.


III.Розвиток навичок  аудіювання.
ABefore listening.
                   T.: -Students , representatives of Greenpeace have brought  a message from the Earth. Listen to it, please.

  “Dear boys  and  girls,
Take care of me. I’m  ill.  My  water  is  polluted.  The  air  is  dirty.  Don’t cut  down  the  forests . Plant a tree a year. Don’t  kill animals  and  birds.
 They may all disappear.
Never throw or break glass bottles. You  pollute  the land. Take what you need from me. You are my parts.
So, keep me clean and healthy for future generations,
       Love, your Earth”.

BAfter listening.
T.: - Children, please, mark what should and what shouldn’t we do about the Earth.

1)    Cut down the forests.

2)    Plant a tree a year.

3)    Throw or break glass bottles.

4)    Pollute the land.

5)    Kill animals and birds.

6)    Keep the Earth   clean and healthy.

IV.  Розвиток  навичок  мовлення .
Teacher:    We are all part of the natural environment and need to be responsible for our interactions with our environment. My advice to all children and grown ups is to recognize the importance of our planets naturals systems and variety of life. We need to thing about our part in the environment and how our actions, such as, our use of water, production of rubbish and energy consumption can directly destroy our wildlife and natural habitats.
         And what about you and your family?
Answer the questions.
- What does your family do with the rubbish?
                             - Who takes the rubbish out?
                             -  Does your mum ask you to take it out or do you do it yourself? (Sasha. And you, Lena? And you Zhenia?)
                            -  When do you do it? (Sasha. And you, Lena? And you Nick?)
        -  How often do you take the rubbish out? (Sasha. And   you,            Lena? )
                             -  What kind of rubbish do you take out?
                             -  What happens to that rubbish then? 
Student : Special services take it to the landfill. I hope people recycle it.
Teacher: - What is recycling? (примерные ответы учащихся)     
Student 1:. Recycling is when we make new products out of used products. For example, after you use a bottle, you should bring it to a recycling centre. Then the glass from the bottle is used to make new glass products.
Teacher: - Where can you learn about recycling?
Student 2:. I can learn about it at Ecology lessons. But I have learnt about it at one of our English lessons.
 Teacher:– Is recycling important?
Student 3:. Yes, it is. It is very important.
Teacher:- Why do you think so?
Student 4: When we recycle we help our environment.
Teacher:- What do you mean?
Student 5: I suppose litter is not only ugly, but it can be harmful to wildlife. Some rubbish is never decomposed, others take many years for this.
Student 6: We  must   remember  3 R’s :  reuse,  reduce, recycle.
Teacher:   You are  absolutely  right!  What  can  we  reuse,  reduce  and recycle? слайд 8   )
Student: Reuse : glass  bottles and tins, metal tins.
                  Recycle : all kinds of paper, plastic, metal.
                 Reduce : using  electricity, running water.
Teacher :  Look  at  the  screen  and  read  about   Decomposition   Times  of  Products . ( слайд  9)      
        If we don’t begin to change our behavior, we will have no world to live. You can recycle, walk or ride a bike, plant a tree and appreciate the beauty of the nature around you.

V. Фізкультхвилинка.
                 Teacher : Are  you  tired?  Let’s  have  a rest  and  sing the song  «Easy  Habits» This  song was prepared  by the representatives of  Greenpeace.  They hope that you’ll  remember  easy  habits  of saving our planet.
VI.  Розвиток  навичок  мовлення . Проектна  робота.
Teacher :  As you see, the ecological problems are dangerous. Man is beginning to understand that his environment is not just his own town or country, but the whole earth. That’s why people form the organizations that work to protect the environment from harm.  What ecological organizations help to  protect nature? (слайд 10)
Student: Greenpeace,  RSPCA-Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,  WWF-World Wide Fund -  Its symbol is a big panda. - RSPB-Royal Society of Preserving Birds.
Teacher :  At  our  conference  we  have  invited  representatives of  Greenpeace. Let’s listen to them  about  their  activities.
Project   work  of  the  1st  group (presentation) 
Student:( Greenpeace)( слайд 1,2)    Greenpeace is an international environmental organization. Members of Greenpeace   are   in the places where the environment is   in  danger.  We  always act fast and bravely.  Greenpeace members are often  called  as "greens".  ( слайд 3) . Greenpeace  was started   on the  15th   of  September  1971   in Canada . ( слайд 4).  The committee's founders were Dorothy and Irving Stowe, Marie and Jim Bohlen, Ben and Dorothy Metcalfe, and Bob Hunter. ( слайд 5)
         protect  the environment (слайд 6)
         fight  against water and air pollution (слайд 7,8)
         protect  animals and plants (слайд 9)
         regulate  the ecological situation ( слайд 10)
         Greenpeace message is “When the last tree is cut down and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can’t eat money “.( слайд 11)
The Earth  is  in  your  hands  Join  us  and let’s help  our planet  together!(слайд 12)

Follow these rules: ( слайди  13,14,15)
Teacher :   That’s interesting, thank you.  What  kind  of  day  was   it  yesterday ?
Student:   April,22 – Earth  Day. ( слайд  11 презентація вчителя)
Teacher:   Earth Day is on April 22nd every year. What do people do on this day? Is it the only day when we can help the Earth?
Student:  I think,  Earth  Day  must  be  every  day.
Teacher: Children,  let’s  grow  the  tree. Look,  it hasn’t  any  leaves. I want you to use the tree leaf and write a promise. Collect all your tree leaves and make a Green Tree. Go to the blackboard and read your promises. (Учні виходять до дошки із зеленим листям обіцянками і складають дерево).
I  mustn’t pollute the water
I  mustn’t kill fish
I  mustn’t leave litter
I  mustn’t cut down trees
I  mustn’t drop the litter
I  must turn off lights and water
I  must clean after their dogs
I  must recycle used materials
I  must feed birds and help them.
I  mustn’t wear fur coats
I   mustn’t use campfire

Project   work  of  the  2nd   group ( video)  
 Teacher:  The protection of the environment is   import in our gymnasium too.
Journalists   of  our  newspaper  “Kryk”  tell  us  about  it.

Journalists: We can’t ignore the problem of the protection of our  environment  . We  have  prepared  an  issue  about   this problem  for  our newspaper.  Let’s watch a  short video  how  we worked.

         ( video)

Teacher:   Thank  you  very  much.  I  think  your issue  will  be useful for everybody.
    Project   work  of  the  3rd    group ( presentation) 
 Teacher:    Do you like our settlement?  How do you protect our nature?
Student1:  We live in a small world  too. It’s very important to protect nature where we live. It needs our help. Look at the slides about our settlement .
 Student2:To see our settlement always clean and tidy we have made the rules that must be followed.
q You   mustn't  damage   street  signs
q  You must  throw litter into  the rubbish  bins
q  You mustn’t  break benches and swings in the yard
q  You  mustn’t draw on the buildings
Student3:  We organized  the  exhibition of drawings “Save Our  Planet” devoted  to  the  Earth  Day.  Many pupils took  part  in it. Children understand that  the future depends on them. They  showed  the  importance of  ecological problems and tried to attract students’ attention to this problem by the posters. Here you can see some of them.
Student4:   We are real friends of our planet. And we will save it for ourselves, for the future generation.
Teacher:  Thank you, children.   I believe you’ll never pollute the environment, the place where you live.
Teacher: I hope you will protect our nature and  never forget the main rules. What are they?  (слайд 12)
Teacher: Let’s  summarize  our  knowledge  and  make  the  poster  «The environmental protection» .  Видеоклип на песню Луи Армстронга “What a Wonderful World” (під час відеокліпу учні виконують роботу - на аркуші ватману вони готують інформаційний плакат на тему «The environmental protection», використовуючи принесені заздалегідь картинки, тексти по темі)
VII.Домашнє  завдання.
Write a letter “  How  do you protect  the environment” .

VIII. Підсумки уроку.
Teacher: At the end of our lesson I’d like to say:
Our nature is in danger. We should protect it because we want to save our beautiful planet.

Our lesson is over. I’m really pleased with you and your work at the lesson. You’ve tried your best and I’ll put you excellent marks.

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